Hire the best candidates in the world with AI
Say goodbye to LeetCode interviews and hello to practical coding competition based hiring
Instead of hiring based off resumes, Pair allows us scalably access what every single candidate interested in the position actually brings to the table
Instead of hiring based off resumes, Pair allows us scalably access what every single candidate interested in the position actually brings to the table
Instead of hiring based off resumes, Pair allows us scalably access what every single candidate interested in the position actually brings to the table
Instead of hiring based off resumes, Pair allows us scalably access what every single candidate interested in the position actually brings to the table
Instead of hiring based off resumes, Pair allows us scalably access what every single candidate interested in the position actually brings to the table
Instead of hiring based off resumes, Pair allows us scalably access what every single candidate interested in the position actually brings to the table
That's how many more candidates you can assess without taking up any of your existing engineers' time
That's how many more candidates you can assess without taking up any of your existing engineers' time
That's how many more candidates you can assess without taking up any of your existing engineers' time
Hiring with Pair vs a typical recruiting firm
Hiring with Pair vs a typical recruiting firm
Hiring with Pair vs a typical recruiting firm
skills and metrics
Hiring with Pair vs a typical recruiting firm
Hiring with Pair vs a typical recruiting firm
Hiring with Pair vs a typical recruiting firm
Built in collaboration
with hiring managers
Meet Pair
Meet Pair
Meet Pair
Meet Pair
The Future of SWE Hiring
Practical Skill Assessment
Practical Skill Assessment
Practical Skill Assessment
Instead of solving theoretical LeetCode problems, candidates compete in timed coding challenges similar to what they will actually face on the job.
Instead of solving theoretical LeetCode problems, candidates compete in timed coding challenges similar to what they will actually face on the job.
Instead of solving theoretical LeetCode problems, candidates compete in timed coding challenges similar to what they will actually face on the job.
Global Talent Base
Global Talent
Global Talent Base
Get access to top candidates around the world in our community.
Get access to top candidates around the world in our community.
Get access to top candidates around the world in our community.

There’s no shortage of tools to cheat in LeetCode interviews. Instead of trying to prevent AI use, we encourage it. We want to see who can best utilize AI to solve technical problems in the shortest time with the cleanest code.
There’s no shortage of tools to cheat in LeetCode interviews. Instead of trying to prevent AI use, we encourage it. We want to see who can best utilize AI to solve technical problems in the shortest time with the cleanest code.
There’s no shortage of tools to cheat in LeetCode interviews. Instead of trying to prevent AI use, we encourage it. We want to see who can best utilize AI to solve technical problems in the shortest time with the cleanest code.
30 Employees $30b Valuation
30 Employees $30b Valuation
30 Employees $30b Valuation
30 Employees $30b Valuation
30 Employees $30b Valuation
30 Employees $30b Valuation
Use Case
Use Case
Use Case
Use Case
Use Case
Use Case
Telegram hires exclusively through open coding contests where candidates compete for a job. They have no recruiters or HR employees. This allows them to hire the best people in the world. You can now use Pair AI to scalably do the same at your company!
Telegram hires exclusively through open coding contests where candidates compete for a job. They have no recruiters or HR employees. This allows them to hire the best people in the world. You can now use Pair AI to scalably do the same at your company!
Telegram hires exclusively through open coding contests where candidates compete for a job. They have no recruiters or HR employees. This allows them to hire the best people in the world. You can now use Pair AI to scalably do the same at your company!

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